Saturday, June 30, 2007

indian mindset

A few days back, at my usual time.. i was reading the newspaper. I came across this article which talked abt a few muslim students who refused to accept food cooked by a dalit woman. I just ask a simple question which came into my mind at that time also.. WHY? After all the dalit woman is also a human bieng. If she does not find a problem with the fact that she has to cook for muslim children then why are these takers creating a problem. They are not even bieng baised but also effecting the emotional setup and financial position of dalit female. A few more days that these students dont accept food from her, this lady will be chucked out of the school canteen. She will then have no means to earn her living, her poor family might get into ruins also. And in any case that female is not going to add poison in the food just because the takers are muslims? Is she? NO! Furthermore, the parents and teachers are to be blamed. These kids are just 8-9 yrs old. How come they have the knowledge of hindu, muslim ,dalit ,christian disparities. Or even the politics of india at this age. Even if they are behaving in this manner it is the responsibility of the teachers to discourage the students to bahave in this manner. We need to understand that india is heading towards globalisation very fast. Overall development is possible if all of ur are together. If such prejudices are encouraged at the grass root level,where will the next generation be? And if we leave this peice of news n think for a few minutes.. dt we always do this? biased viewpoints!! towards the lower casts.. the other sects... this is the indian mind set which is to be changed! THINK!